Monday, February 8, 2010

Our first tropical wet!

Hi!! I will keep this one short, as the pictures really do tell the story.

Last weekend, we got hit by Cyclone Olga, which was a most interesting experience... We had a phenomenal amount of water, and watched the flood waters rise around us. 

It was incredible to watch the hills turn green- previously they had only been a very dusty brown. Cycling home from work in water that is up to two feet deep is all kinds of wrong- think that might almost prove to be a challenge for my sister, Jacinda!

So- the pics-

The frogs had the right idea- the drains were a much safer place to be.

This is generally a trickle

This isn't... The day before this was just a mass of dust

Somewhere in there is a cemetery

And somewhere up there is a mountain!

Ditto with the dust

See- Told you there was a hill in there!

Once a walking track

Navigation wasn't easy at all

That is the footpath- and people's driveways

The view left from the back fence

and right- those poles normally stand about 4 foot high

The same view a day later!

What a difference a day makes!

See you in a dryer moment!