So, tonight's bedtime conversation went a little like this:
Setting: I was lying in MacK's bed, under the doona waiting for him to come in from the bathroom with Jane.
Me "Let's read a story"
MacK "No thank you, Daddy"
Me- stunned, gobsmacked, and trying not to laugh
MacK "Goodbye Daddy"
Me "come on Mack, let's read a story"
MacK "I don't THINK so!"
Me- giving into laughter.
Such good manners, I think you will agree. Fortunately we did get to read a story, and he is now asleep.
You might be forgiven for thinking we had forgotten to write, but the sad reality is that we have all been ridiculously busy over the last couple of weeks.
MacK appears to be developing unique culinary tastes... As a two year old, he loves liver and kidney, and prefers broccoli over chips. His favourite food of the moment is fish (particularly the New Zealand Tarakihi, dusted in polenta and shallow fried) with potatoes and aioli. Tonight he decided he liked the look of my dinner plate better than his. So... he swapped. I have to say that a two year old dinner portion just doesn't cut it for me!
And then there is 'MacGyber'! We were storing a couple of paintings against a wall in the spare bedroom (behind the door). Imagine our surprise to discover that if the paintings fell over, that they would be the perfect length to fit between the wall and the door. But only when the door is closed! My first reaction was that we would have to remove the door. By remove, I meant that I would probably have to put a sledgehammer through the door and rip it off its hinges. After all, a new hollow core door doesn't cost too much... After consulting with a professional (thanks Leigh), I modified the plan to cutting a hole in the door so that we could reach in and move the paintings. We would then only have to glue the piece back in and repaint.
Then Jane had a look through the window, and realised that there was a chance that we might manoeuvre the paintings enough to open the door. She told MacK that we needed to get our MacGyver on... He spent the next twenty minutes running around the house shouting "get our MacGyber on" before we were able to get the paintings out, and open the door.
Two thoughts:
1. My way, although a lot less effective, would have definitely been more fun (for about five minutes).
2. When telling the staff at MacK's daycare about MacGyber, Jane had to explain to a whole new generation just who MacGyver was. Jeepers, soon we will have to try and explain who Chuck Norris was. That will truly be a sad day!!!