MacK is now into his eleventh month, and has taken his first steps. He still finds it easier (and faster) to crawl everywhere, but he has taken that next leap into life. It is absolutely fascinating to watch him at the moment. His fine motor skills are coming along in leaps and bounds, and he is really starting to communicate with us.
We watch him thinking and making conscious decisions about his actions, and then carrying them out. It is fascinating to watch him try and open a cupboard that we have (temporarily) blocked shut. He is slowly working out what we have done to close it, and then tries to do what he needs to do to go where he wants. Brilliant!
He loves to watch whatever is happening in the kitchen, and is happy just watching from his high chair. Outside of that, I am getting quite good at one armed cooking. Can do most things except chop. But then again, I should probably hold either the baby or a knife. Not both!
As we haven’t posted photos of him for a while, see below for a collection of our favourite pics of how he likes to spend his days!
I love to help in the kitchen. Maybe I will cook like my Daddy?
Dad always needs help in the shed. But its always safety first!
Mummy tells the best jokes.... apparently better than Dad's?
Working out is important. Me and Dad use kettlebells
Mealtimes are a lot of fun
A little messy though...
Just making sure that Dad has his mirrors set right for his ride to work
Watching sport is serious business. Here we are at the Basketball.
Shopping with Mum
And looking after Uncle D's special Bear
As you can see, I have very busy days. I have a lot of fun, and am learning stuff all the time. At the end of the day, I do sleep well, but like to wake up a couple of times during the night to check on things. Mum is really good and gets up with me. I sometimes then have a sleep with Mum and Dad to look after them while they sleep...
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