We were walking through our local shopping centre today having gone to get a paper. We couldn't believe the sheer volume of people in the complex- I know the shops were closed yesterday, but that was just ridiculous. We got out of there as soon as we could, but did spot a quote that made us chuckle...
My family is a lot like fudge...
Mostly sweet, but sometimes a little nutty as well.
Don't think it gets any more accurate than that! By the way, I do love them all unconditionally, and without reserve. Just probably don't tell them all enough!
MacK came home from 'school' the other day having spent the day making Easter art. Our little boy makes such a cute bunny, don't you think?
A wee nostalgia trip for you... When I started cooking in New Zealand in the early 90's, I always did so with a red plastic bowl on my prep bench. I don't know why it started like that, but it got so that the first thing I would put on the bench was my chopping board, followed by the red bowl. When we sold the hotel to move to Australia, one of our long term team (Marie) asked if she could take the red bowl as a memory/keepsake. Anyway, this was one of the (very few...) stories I have told Jane and she has ever since looked for a red plastic bowl for me. Last week we found it. It is a very much upscale version of the one I had for so long, but I now have a red bowl in the kitchen again. Sometimes it is the (silly) little things that really make a difference!
My Red Bowl!
MacK is growing up so fast. He has cut another two teeth today, so now has ten. He has more on the way, and is developing so fast. He is somewhere between 79 and 81cm tall (wouldn't sit still on the scale), and weighs in at 12.6 kg. With all that growing, it is no wonder he looks as tired as he does below!
He of course would say that he isn't tired, just deep in thought!
And looking very smart in his first pair of shoes
Today was a baking day. I have fed and refreshed Harriett (my 11 year old sourdough starter) so she was raring to go. I was going to only make a wheat sourdough, but decided to make a special treat for Jane as well. Several years ago I played around with and developed a recipe for a chocolate sourdough bread laced with espresso and fruit. The fruit I used today has been soaking in port, brandy and spices since last April, and is just divine. The breads formed a large part of our diet today, and we are quite keen to start a new family Easter tradition. We think that we will forgo the eggs in future in favour of this fantastic sourdough bread. If there is any left, it also makes a wickedly luscious bread and butter pudding too.... Think I might have to make more if I am to prove that to Jane!
I thought I should take a photo while there was still some left!
MacK likes it too... it was his first chocolate experience, and we think he will be as addicted as his Mum!
Didn't touch it... Don't know what you're talking about
One of our sourdough loaves, showing a nice spring, beautiful caramelised chewy crust and the typical gassy air pockets. It is fantastic, but mildly addictive!
Our loaves, fresh from the oven and still way too hot to eat!
Our cheese... A couple of weeks ago we made a triple cream brie as a first time experiment. See the photographs below for the surface development after three weeks (and also see the comparison of the cheese in size against an iPhone). We can't wait to try it, and will do so next week when Jane's parents are visiting. It looks right, it certainly smells right, so we are hoping that it will (a) have aged enough to be eaten and (b) just be a bloody good cheese!