Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Postprandial Perambulations

Postprandial perambulations... a walk after a meal. For almost every night I have been home since MacK was born, I have had to do just that to help him get to sleep. For some reason, he has yet to learn the art of self settling and sleeping easy. I am not sure where (or if) we went wrong in the early days, or if he just needs to keep proving who really is in charge in this household. In any case, I do get a lot of time to walk the streets and reflect as I do so.

I was thinking as we walked the other night about how incredibly lucky we are as a family. We live in the tropics, far from friends and family, and would rather not be here in the long term. Even though we are isolated by the tyranny of distance and employment, we still have wonderful friends and family who keep in touch, and for that we thank you. 

Jane and I are lucky enough to have a blend of diverse and shared interests that are driving our future ambitions. We have a shared philosophy on the type of home and life we want for our children, and are working hard to make it happen.

Whilst out walking, I have had the time and cause to reflect on some of the decisions/incidents/calamities that I have experienced in life to date. As a part of that reflection I have been able to identify causes and issues, and develop learning processes for myself for future success.

And then when I am not involved in self reflection, I mentally perambulate across the farm, and can see the development we want to create. We have been able to bed down some fairly solid plans, and now just need to be a little closer to be able to put them into practice (hopefully 2013).

I think about how fortunate I am to be able to spend the time with MacK out walking, and look forward to the times we can spend together as he grows. It was funny last Saturday though. MacK had a rough night, so Jane didn't get a lot of sleep. I took MacK out a bit after 6:00 am to hit the jungle that was our back yard and left Jane for a well deserved lie-in.

The photos below show him in the middle of helping me! At one point he cleaned out the lawn mower catcher - by climbing inside it. I think he had a lot of fun, and certainly worked hard enough to have a decent sleep a little later on. I just love the look of concentration on his face.

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