Sunday, January 6, 2013

Plan 18(ish) for the farm

We have taken a trip up to the farm to meet with our architect. Fortunately he really liked the thoughts that we put to him for the house, and we can now start down the track of design, approval and then construction (and poverty).

I won’t let you see the plans now, until we have something back from the architect. To spark your intrigue though, we are looking at a house made up of four pods around a central, cobbled courtyard. The morning sunlight will flood the courtyard from the Northeast, and our predominant entertaining space will be the courtyard. The house still has a wine cellar, cheese cave and brewery, to the delight of friends and family we are sure!

Decorative features may include rock gabions as part of our external wall structure, and a copper sheet water feature. We are looking to build the house from hemp, and are as yet undecided on our external cladding finish. Needless to say, there will still be a lot of water under the bridge before we commence construction, but we are definitely on the way!

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