Sunday, March 3, 2013

Bubbles and a 35 year pay back!

Hello! It is a wet Autumn this year for those in the South-east corner of Queensland. It seems as though we have had rain forever. I have been riding the motorbike to work, and my riding gear has pretty much reached maximum saturation stage. Jane and MacK have gone south to Canberra for a week to seek out a little sunshine (and to attend a significant high school reunion!).

Jane's absence has another benefit. I suffered an unfortunate injury on Friday, where I rolled my ankle in a pothole. The good news is that I haven't broken bones, but there is a chance of ligament damage. The swelling is coming down (slowly) and is now an alarming shade of purple/black as the bruising sets in. Riding the bike this week was always going to be a tough ask, and having Jane away means I can take the car. 

But to the topics for this blog. MacK just loves bubbles, and on the odd occasion it is fine enough to get out on the lawn, he loves to do nothing more than chase bubbles. We had friends over last week, and were able to get these photographs of MacK:

On payback - When I was about five years old (back in '77, when my darling girl was yet to show her face), we had the farm house on Atawhai renovated. The staircase needed replacing, so Mum took Camille into Rotorua to stay with family whilst the reno was completed. I stayed with Dad, as I was at school. I will never forget the lunch that Dad packed me, and I have just been able to get my own back!  I opened my lunch box, expecting my usual sandwich and fruit, to see two lamb chops and three fried eggs wrapped in greaseproof paper. I was never going to go hungry, but it was a surprise. 

Dad is currently staying with us during the week while he working in Brisbane. He is enjoying living "in a restaurant" (his words), as long as the offering doesn't include pasta. I can't be at home today, as I am on duty at work. Dad will arrive sometime this afternoon, and I have prepared dinner for him. Yes - two lamb chops, and three fried eggs!

It isn't as pretty as some of my other plates, but that isn't the point. I just wish I could be there to see his face when he sees the plate in the fridge!

On other news, we have a plan to graze the farm for the next couple of seasons, and improve the soil at the same time. While down in Canberra next week, Jane is going to visit the architect to see where he is at. Apparently he has made some fairly significant strides forward and we should be able to show you some plans in the near future.

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