Last Friday, Jane and I both took the day off work to take MacK to the Gold Coast and Seaworld. The weather was pretty ordinary, but that was never going to stop intrepid travellers like us! On our way to the coast, we took the opportunity to "dob in a dickhead". We saw a bloke driving a car with three kids in the back seat who thought it was ok to drink bourbon while driving at 0930 - dickhead!
However, we made it, and the weather largely held off for us. MacK had a great time at the park, although the puddles were every bit as much of an attraction as the dolphins, polar bears and dinosaurs.
The photographs that follow are a snapshot of some of the more memorable moments of our day:
The pelicans were one of the very first animals that we saw
"Look Mum - its a pelican! Just like in Finding Nemo!"
MacK was mesmerised by the dolphin show
The polar bears are majestic. MacK's feet are a little like theirs, in terms of proportion...
Am I really allowed to jump in the puddles???
Looking for sharks (and Nemo) in the underwater viewing area
Can't see Nemo, but we have found Dory!
I was lucky enough to get a toy at the Dinosaur shop, and I am not going to let it out of my sight!
Still got Chompy!
We also have a couple of other photographs of MacK that are too cute not to share:
MacK and Jane putting puzzles together
MacK with a new schoolbag, and the McGlinchey's birthday beanie!
MacK helping out around the house... it is also his first day in 'big boy' undies. Have to say, getting him out of them at the end of the day was a bit of a struggle!