Sunday, September 29, 2013

Do as I say, not as I do!

Rules, guidelines and safety precautions are generally there for a reason. We try and flaunt rules where and when we can, and generally grudgingly accept that they are there to protect us.

As for me, I am a big advocate of the "closed shoes in the kitchen" rule, and am always on at Jane when she is in the kitchen in jandals (or thongs for the Australian audience!).

Imagine then how much of a twat I felt the other night when I padded into the kitchen in bare feet, and promptly knocked something off the bench. The scraper hit my toe, and I promptly let out a blood curdling yelp. Jane refused to show anything like an appropriate level of sympathy until the next day, when the toe appeared, twice the regulation size and a decided shade of puce (the photo below shows most of the colour having gone back out of the toe).

By the way - if you are wondering what an appropriate level of sympathy is for Jane, it tends to involve  near hysterical convulsions of laughter, and helpful suggestions in the order of "should have been wearing shoes, dumbass!!!". 

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