Tuesday, September 19, 2017

A belated catch up

And just like that we are into spring, and our last 100 days in the Top End. I thought we might have a little more time this year, but it appears there is some sort of requirement that we sprint to the finish! So sprint we will, taking a nine month old dog, the two boys, Jane’s study schedule and my work requirements with us.

On the bright side, we have plane tickets booked (16 December) and have been in touch with the removalists. I will also have to do a little returfing in the back yard, as the pooch has decided the grass itches, and he would rather lie in dust…

By way of catch up news (of which there isn’t too much, as we have been head down, arse up for much of the year), see below:

·                         Hugo is all but walking, and is the proud owner of at least seven teeth. Not sure exactly how many, as it is a tricky business getting all your fingers out of his mouth intact if you venture in!

·                         Rocket is now a nearly full-grown menace. He has the playfulness of a puppy, combined with the strength of an adult dog. He is broad of chest, short of leg and a little grey… Who was it that said dogs look like their owners?

·                         Jane is well immersed in her studies, and learning new things every day. Some days those new things are more about the impossibility of doing anything with a near toddler than they are about opening a book, but still it is an education!

·                         We have had some progress on the farm. The plumbing has gone in (nothing yet in facility wise, so still a bit rough), and a bathroom will be first on the agenda when we get back to building.

·                         MacK is doing well at school, although is currently looking a little gappy in the teeth department. He is still driving Jane nuts with his pedantry, but his use of language is a delight. He won book week at school a couple of weeks ago, for his brilliant portrayal of ‘I am Sam’, from Seuss’ Green eggs and ham.

·                         We have our confirmed posting back to Canberra for next year. I will be studying full time, reading for my Masters in Strategic People Management. Just a little bit excited…

·                         Whilst loving the upcoming posting to Canberra, we will be sad to leave Darwin for the contact with David and Jess. Jane has looked after Chloe on many occasions, and it has been fantastic for Hugo to spend time playing with Chloe. I think he is a little jealous at the moment, as she toddles around the house!

Clockwise from left: Me and the boys at a local water park on Father's Day; Phyl and the boys on a mid winter(?) escape from Canberra; Family selfie with fish and chips on the beach...

In other plans, we will shortly take a road trip to the East Kimberleys, to spend a few days camping on a river bank in one of the great wilderness parks of the world. Can’t wait – no phone, no electricity! Just us, and the first weeks of the humid build up. Timing not great, but the experience will be fantastic.
Clockwise from bottom left: MacK in the prize winning "I am Sam" costume; Hugo with that irresistible smile; MacK minus several teeth; and Hugo showing just how much he likes watermelon

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