Sunday, May 26, 2013

Dinner for eight, Brisbane

Last night (May 25), we had a few friends over for a dinner party. It was an interesting experience on a couple of fronts. First, it was one of our few formal meals in the last couple of years without the McGlincheys and Clan Cox, and we didn't sweat our way through dinner (bless the tropics, and those that live in them!). This dinner was to celebrate nothing other than the fact it was Saturday, and we wanted to catch up with some of Jane's friends who have moved to Brisbane.

It takes a lot of plates to do one of our dinner parties. Some of the plates above were used more than once too!

The kids ate before we did - Home-made pork and fennel sausages, with mash. They followed that up with a fresh raspberry ice cream.

The grown-ups menu was designed for the cooler weather (using all those dishes we just couldn't up in Townsville!), and read as follows:

Hors d'oeuvres:
  • Potato Latke, with spiced apple and sour cream
  • Flash fried chilli prawns, with Nam Jim sauce
  • Herbed lamb salad, in cucumber cups

We always like to serve fresh bread - this loaf was about 30 minutes out of the oven when the photo was taken. The crust was cracking as it cooled, with the smell filling the kitchen.

Appetiser: Roast tomato tarte tatin, with thyme and goats cheese topper

Apologies: I took the photo as I was building the plates, and forgot to take it again with the tarte tatin. It is a shame, as it was the dish of the night!

Soup: Roast duck 'Borscht'

Entree: 'Peposo Notturno', with buttered spatzle and brussels sprouts
The Peposo is intensely peppery, with plenty of garlic. It is an incredibly slow braise of a beef shin, and  is just to die for. As an entree, it is a perfect size to get all your tastebuds zinging!

Main: 'Choucroute'. Slow braised pork shoulder, pork and fennel sausage and bacon hock on sauerkraut with root vegetables
This dish is one of those typical eastern european dishes, without a lot of colour and fancy tricks. It might be on the ugly duckling list for its looks, but when it comes to taste, it is up there with all the other swans!

Cheese: Applewood smoked cheddar and cabernet paste Napoleon, with honey roast walnuts

Dessert: Chocolate and coffee mousses, on pistachio biscuit with mint, citrus and persimmon salad

The damage to the wine cellar!
As well as the wine, we also managed to see of a bottle of home made peach schnapps. The conversation was fantastic, and we saw the last of our guests out the door just before one this morning. 

MacK very kindly slept in to 0740... most considerate!

Now... whats for dinner tonight?!

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