Sunday, May 26, 2013

More cooking and a kite show

Looking through the camera this afternoon, I came across a few photographs that are very cute, so though we should share!

Daddy, can I help peel the pears?

This isn't as easy as Dad makes it look...

Maybe if I sit the pear on the bench...

Oh, bugger it... if I am just going to eat it anyway, then why waste the effort?!

MacK and Jane at a local park a couple of weeks ago.

The photographs below are of massive kites that were on display at the Redcliffe kite festival a week or two ago. I had hoped that Robert (soft kites, NZ) might have travelled over for it (Robert used to work for us as a chef in NZ). Would have been good to catch up. The kites are ridiculously complex, and look amazing on the sky. As you can see, the weather was absolutely perfect for kites.

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