Sunday, March 9, 2014

Feb 14 - the mash up

So, again I find us busy, and not able to write as regularly as I would like. This time, the busy-ness has not come from work (very nice), but our ability to take advantage of our proximity to some pretty cool places! Just means we have to drive to get there…

It seems kind of strange, but we are happy to drive 4 hours (or more) each way just for a weekend. Any Australian readers will be thinking "so what", while readers from further afield (think NZ) will be thinking "are you nuts?"

Jane's last post had some of the pictures that MacK took at the Seymour show. At that show we also saw some other brilliant stuff, some of which has definitely given us ideas for the farm. There was a 'trufficulture' company who we will look to buy stone pine, hazels and oaks (all inoculated with the truffle spores) from, and I think we have found a stud supplier for rare breed pigs. One of the things we found truly amazing was the chainsaw carving. The carvers/artists were given a log, and obviously had an allotted time to come up with a masterpiece. Some of the pictures are below-

MacK also has a fixation with anything emergency services related. When he saw the CFA stand (with wooden fire engine), and the free fire helmets he was in heaven! Getting him away was eventually accomplished, but only with a couple of tears!

MacK modelling the funky new hat we found for him!

During the month, Jane also decided that MacK was more than old enough to start paying for his board,  so here he is, learning a work ethic at an early age!

I have had to travel to Melbourne a couple of times for dental treatment, and took Jane and Mack one day. While I was at the dentist, they went to the Collingwood Children's Farm. This is a fantastic working farm only a few kilometres from the city. It is in the original grounds of a convent (which is still next door, as a commercial space) and is a really incredible space to be so accessible to inner city kids. MacK loved the Berkshire pigs, the Anglo-Nubian goats (which is what we will have for milk, I am informed!) and all the poultry. If you saw the movie 'Babe', the decor and layout of the farm is reminiscent of the set. The shot below will give you an idea of what the farm looks like-

MacK feeding one of the goats

The farm planning is coming along well. in fact, we have now officially committed to the construction of a large shed and water tank on the house block. We would like to have the shed up by the end of May, and submitted the DA to council last Friday. We are almost there with the house plans, and decided we needed to get the final expert seal of approval before giving the go ahead to the draftsman!

We bought a trailer for the bikes a couple of months ago, and have had a few opportunities to get out on the road. The roads here in Wodonga are designed for cyclists, absolutely unlike Brisbane! I think we can probably ride for 30 km or so without getting off a purpose designed bike path. We don't go that far, but earn a weekend coffee/hot chocolate by cycling in. MacK loves to sit behind the bike, as long as we remember to pull the cover down so he doesn't get covered in gumph from the tires!

MacK helping me attach the trailer to the bike!

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