Friday, November 25, 2016

The day of Hugo - 01 November 2016

On Tuesday 01 November 2016, at 0536 am we welcomed Hugo Peter as a second, beautiful son and baby brother for MacK. Our perfect wee boy was born after a long labour (so much for those stories of quick and easy second labours!). Hugo was born at 3930gm and 52cm long, with a cranial circumference of 37cm.

He is a champion kid thus far, only waking to eat! Mack loves him to bits, and always moans if Hugo is asleep when it is time for him to go to bed. He tells us he can't possibly go to sleep without a hug from the wee man!

So - a collection of our favourite photos thus far:

              The family together in Royal Darwin Hospital        And me for comparison - circa 1972   

MacK and Hugo. Lovely boys

Hugo is not quite as happy as MacK at this point!

Our wee tropical (born) baby - not quite as skinny as MacK at the same age!

MacK with Hugo and Chloe - a cousin, 10 weeks older than Hugo!

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