Sunday, December 4, 2016

Christmas trees and the house update

Seeing as we are now into December, we decided that we needed a tree this year. This is the first year that we have been at home for Christmas, and the first year we have had a tree at home. Like every tree I had growing up, this one is also pine - with a difference!
You mightn't be able to see it in the pics, but we have pictures of close friends and family (we don't have everybody yet, and need plenty more) in the key rings to remind us who we should be thinking about at this time of the year.

I mentioned that we had a friend who had a drone on the farm at our last trip down there. He took some footage that we have been loving since we got a copy - and thought we should also share with our friends and family!

The photo above shows the vineyard and olive groves. The picture on the right shows an aerial view of the house, showing where it sits on the house block.

In the foreground of the picture below, you can see the holes that would shortly hold our citrus grove! Can't wait to plan the rest of it... 

The pictures below are some of our favourites from the last couple of weeks.
 MacK was so excited - for about another 15 seconds, until Hugo vomited on him!

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