Sometimes it is better just to let the pictures do the talking. The collages that follow are some of my favourites from the past couple of months. Enjoy!
Clockwise, from top left: Jane gave me a voucher for Axxe. We had fun, before heading to Capital Brewing for beers (shouldn't do it the other way around, if you are going to throw axes!); Jane, MacK and Hugo at the entry gate to the farm block; Rocket and the lads on a walk; Rocket in the cone of shame - post a foot surgery to remove a massive splinter!; Jane demonstrating her rendering technique on the columns in the living room. |
Clockwise, from top left: I made it a mission during lockdown to get my croissant recipe and method sorted. Very happy now - they are a little too good; Finished product; When we have guests joining us on the farm for working bees, we tend to pull out the asado, and cook over coals. Glorious!; This was a little brunch treat that I particularly enjoyed, and will become a staple. Pan fried foccaccia, pesto, ash brie and grilled tomato; Jane's favourite treat. Although I may have a winner, when doing plain croissants, and serving with a bowl of warm chocolate ganache! |
Progress on the house build. Clockwise, from top left: A mock up of our bathroom vanities, courtesy of Jane's welding prowess; our combustion heater - wow. What a difference in winter!; This room is almost finished (needs a floor), but shows the design finish; Out bathrooms are tiles (just need a bath now); We have stairs at the front of the house. Minimalist, in keeping with the woolshed design aesthetic; Leigh and Tom came up to help replace the 100kg window pane... ; the finished wall in the living room, with corrugated iron ceiling. Love this space; My first tiling space - the western deck. As at now, it just needs grout and edge capping. |
Hugo - Lockdown meant we had to come up with new and innovative ways to learn. He ably assisted Steve Brown in building the fire surround, and helped make scones during lockdown. In case you are wondering, he is way to big to bathe in the kitchen sink any more... |
MacK - Now knows how to make bread, and obviously doesn't get his athletic genes from me... Of the five events they did in his year group at school athletics, he came home with four firsts and a second. Lockdown meant they didn't run the zone competition. |
We were lucky enough to get to the snow for a mini break this year. Peter and Phyl took MacK for a week to do ski school, while Jane, Hugo and I went for a weekend. It was lovely to get away,a nd we have some good snow up there. Jane especially loved skiing in a -14 degree whiteout blizzard! |
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