Sunday, November 28, 2021

Hard work hurts...


Having spent three months in lockdown and not able to travel to the farm, it was always going to be difficult to get back into the swing of the build. We have now had two visits back – one to clean up and assess where we were at, and a weekend of hard graft.

 We finished the grouting on the western deck – not so much fun in the rain!, and capped it off with aluminium. We installed the laundry stairs, and completed the deck. It was a wonderful moment – all of the framing is now covered! Jane welded up most of the last panels, and also did the handrail for the laundry stairs. Looking forward now to getting back out and getting this all installed so that we can get our occupancy.

Jane levelling off the stair treads, the finished article - only waiting for a hand rail, the tiles, and Quentin - able to lean against a rail. The first step is mostly taken care of now!!!

 MacK and Hugo were completely worn out by their weekend. They run from the time they get up until it is time to go to bed. They have spent time at the river, and making ‘knives’ in the shed with Sam. It is a great place to be a kid!

 Waking up on Monday morning was tough – everything hurt! Running fit and working fit are two very different things.

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