Wednesday, November 27, 2013

What was old is new again

A couple of months ago I wrote about the oven we had bought, intending to recycle/repair/recover for eventual use in the house we build on the farm. The project is finally almost at an end (thankfully!). We ended up having to replace almost all of the working parts, but now have an almost brand new oven range that looks a bit battered on the outside. We weren't able to replace the bakelite handles, but that just adds to the oven's rugged charm!

See below for a mid restoration photo, and what it looks like now! And before you say that I haven't finished the job, I have no intention of polishing the outside just yet, as it is going into storage until we build the house. It will be cleaned prior to going into the kitchen!

At this point, the only think that looked salvageable was the frame! I really did think I had taken on more than I should have...

 It all works. A little battered through time and neglect, but we are able to give an old girl a new lease of life, and save ourselves around $10,000 in the process. Wins all round, I say!

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