Wednesday, February 4, 2015

And we're back!

Hello again, after what seems like an age.

Since our last post, I have spent a significant period in Afghanistan (which I will not be writing about on this forum), where I was deployed with the US Army 1st Cavalry Division in Kandahar. I do have a separate journal you are most welcome to read - you just need to pay us a visit first!

On return, we decamped to the farm to start building the house. It was an incredible experience, and we will be forever in debt to both David and Tyson for the work they did on the build. A photo essay will be one of the very next posts. i hope that you are as impressed with the house as we are!

The last couple of weeks have been hectic as we have both started back at work, with its attendant requirement for new year mandatory training and inductions.

MacK has started swimming lessons again this year after a hiatus last year, and has taken to them like the proverbial.

We hope to be a little more regular this year, and hope to see all of you through the year.

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