Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The heir apparent makes himself known

It appears that some people (my wife chief amongst them) believe I am a pedant, or at least display pedantic tendencies (I am fond of the Oxford comma). Furthermore, she also believes that her Dad is of a similar bent. Proving that there is a familial link for such character traits, MacK is driving all and sundry nuts with his advanced language understanding.

Perhaps the best example happened yesterday at day care, when he and his friends were motoring around the playground. The staff told them to stop running, at which time the wee man responded with “its ok, I’m not running. I’m galloping!”

What do you do? I say we should publicly celebrate the fact he can manipulate language, whilst privately gnashing our teeth in despair! Of course, we love him to bits, and try not to laugh too much when he does these wonderful things.
Our Super pedant!

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