Wednesday, February 5, 2014

2014 - A look at the year ahead

We have a couple of plans for the year ahead, in addition to sampling the wine and food bounty of the local region. The house we have moved into is lacking in the storage department, so we are going to make the construction of a shed on the farm our top priority. We are planning to have that complete by the end of April, and move a considerable amount of tools and excess building equipment to the farm.

We have now finalised our ideal floorplan for the house, and are having those drawn up in the very near future. The next step will be to secure Development Approval from our council and put a construction plan in place.

Jane is looking for work in the local area, and has a couple of irons in the fire. With her talents and skills, I am sure she will not be gainfully unemployed for too long!

I will be away from home for a few months this year for work, so this blog will have a wee hiatus mid year.

Outside of that, we hope to see much more of friends and family based in the southern states, and hope to get up to Brisbane when we can.

The other treat will be a trip to Sydney in March for a degustation meal at one of Sydney’s finest. Clare had the opportunity to pick up a heavily discounted dinner option for four, and took it. Hooray for Clare!

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