Friday, January 8, 2021

Johnny and Harriett...

Harriett is twenty or so this year, and has travelled with us to every posting location we have served in. The bread she makes is lovely, and the boys are pretty lucky to live on home bake sourdough bread. Johnny – a 200 (+) year old Turkish sourdough starter that a work colleague inherited, has now joined Harriett in the bakery. The bread from each of the starters is very different, and puts a lie to the thought that all starters are alike.

We are working on an ANZAC day bread with Johnny as the base – it will feature walnuts, olives, honey and rosemary, and will be finished with a rosemary and olive crust. The test loaves we baked were ridiculously good! Bread making is helped through the addition to the Batterie de Cuisine of a professional dough mixer – all 130 kg of ancient brilliance. I now get proper dough development, although I am still doing a fair bit of hand kneading and shaping. Just need to get my hands on a decent oven now!

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