Sunday, January 10, 2021

More photos - for January 2021

 While this doesn't quite bring us completely up to date, it does show a bit more of what we have been up to. And I promise to me more diligent this year!

Clockwise L to R: We had a Christmas party, and had to dress up. Naturally I pulled out a "Juba-good" suit...Jane is a very happy girl after installing the last screws into the 'Summer deck'. The boys trampolining in a Summer storm.

We have started rendering the inside hebel walls. This was the first one, and we mixed by hand. While that is very achievable, I think we will preserve our shoulders moving forward with some mechanical help! The final finish is a deliberate rough and very textural coat. The colour is from the clay, and will lighten up a bit from what is shown here.

The Belubela River is flowing again this Summer, and the boys made the most of it a couple of weeks ago. Hugo was a bit unsure at first, but soon jumped right in.

A summer orchard with plenty of fruit, blossom and food for bees. Now for us to get there to enjoy the bounty.

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